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Miss Me?

January 31, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

I'm presently sitting here on my couch, in the flat I'm about to move out of, wearing my 'Future Mrs. REDACTED' sweatshirt, looking out the window overlooking a beautiful, English city skyline, with music on inspired by the new book series I'm obsessed with. To say there's a lot to catch up on is an understatement; big updates, little catch-ups, they're all coming your way. 467309017_18471127231005749_5588285977970242684_n467309017_18471127231005749_5588285977970242684_n

So let's begin, shall we?

Yes, I'm engaged! On the second of November last year, the love of my life dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him in the shadow of Big Ben, 18 months since we stood there and first said those three little words. He's a true romantic and I'm truly lucky. (Well he is, too - let's be honest here.) We're getting married at the end of this year and I am beyond thrilled to call him my husband and begin our life together. 

Aaand I have my master's degree. Like the boss bitch I am. Digital Marketing and Analytics with merit, no less. I chose to get real life experience by choosing a consultancy project over a dissertation and am quite glad I did. Now when entering the job market to work for someone other than myself in the digital marketing realm, I know exactly how to approach a project and how to help everything go as smoothly as possible. For both myself and the client. Sometimes it involves oodles of caffeine. Sometimes it involves a stronger drink afterwards. But in the end, it gets done and everyone's happy. That's what's important.

For those of you who have missed it, this gal is living in England. My life long dream came true - check! I can access London and the beach easily and for me who's used to living in a landlocked state for a couple decades, seeing the ocean makes my heart soar. Remember, I was born in California and am a beach baby at heart.
But this flat we're staying in now? Our lease is up and it's on to the next place. You'll probably see a moving post or two as we have the ever so enjoyable joys of the packing-up-and-hauling-of-things ahead of us. There is something exciting about 'new' though. Looking forward to putting furniture in new rooms, watching Pippa snuffle about and learn her new surroundings, and waking up to a new view. Not bad really when you pause and think. A lot to be grateful for - especially since we're gaining a bedroom, and a bathroom, and loads of square footage. I'm ok with this.

If you haven't been following me on Goodreads, you may not know that I've been reading the Fourth Wing series... and perhaps maybe just a little bit becoming completely and utterly obsessed with it. My apologies to the aforementioned fiancé for having to hear about plot twists and a sweet little gold dragon and 'how I feel like Violet is just me written on a page'. I consider us even for him banging on last summer about cricket this and cricket that. Especially since that's how my summers look for the foreseeable future. Yeah. He can get right over it.


I really have missed being in a not-so-stressed out zone in my life and able to share my life and my adventures with you. I will be creating content again, just not in the same manner as before. My main platforms will be Instagram (and Threads), Pinterest, Goodreads, and this blog. My social media journey has been long and fun and I feel myself settling into a new era. So if you'd like to keep up with me, each account has been linked and I look forward to chatting with you all once more!

Sending my love to you in virtual hugs...

C x









[Any product links are affiliate links. Not sponsored, just things I love and want to share with you!]


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