My New FAVE Show

April 05, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

It's coming scarily close to bumping Gilmore Girls.

And I'm only 4 episodes in.

Yeah... it's that good. new-girl-deschanelnew-girl-deschanel

Although I think Rory and Lorelai will forever remain #1.

But Jess Day is the only one who could rival them. (And even be a really good friend of theirs, now that I think about it.)

If you don't know Jess, 'New Girl' is the show I'm talking about!

I've had this show suggested to me sooooo many times.


But I was always trying to finish a different show or my reality shows were on and I was already behind on those. Can we keep those to just one episode one night a week, please??

So I decided it was finally time to start watching and I am glad I did!

And I now understand the "Jess Day energy" comments I get on my socials. Such a great compliment so thanks!!

Honestly can't wait for the next time I get to watch.

Netflix night, anyone??

Watch As I Get the Crap Scared Outta Me

March 31, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Yep. That's what I get for playing a game that used to be 'not as scary'.

But alas.

And I squealed and jumped out of my skin LIVE.

So now I will share these moments with all of you. You're welcome. lol

(Dad tried to scare me THREE times during this stream... so I got him back lol)

And in case you're wondering which game it is, it's Nancy Drew Midnight in Salem




(Yep, as an Amazon affiliate, I do get a lil cash money when you order... so thanks!)

The BEST Headphones I've Ever Used

March 30, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

As a Twitch streamer who's live for hours almost every night, I know they need to work and be comfortable.

Like really comfortable. 0A4B140C-A9A1-41F3-9B25-DE1BA07A85EE0A4B140C-A9A1-41F3-9B25-DE1BA07A85EE{"eId":"288722252165656","CameraPosition":2}

So let me introduce you to these bad boys.



These are the Bose QuietComfort 45 Bluetooth Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones in the shade White Smoke.

Everybody now: oooooh, ahhhhhhh

Cuz I was not gonna put some black headphones on and pretend like they went with my aesthetic.

What can I say?

I love them. I truly do.

They're wireless which is already a win and connect with Bluetooth which I know you already appreciate. They have two sound modes - noise cancelling and aware. I prefer aware cuz when I play a scary game, I want to know when my dad is sneaking up on me. It happened last night THREE TIMES.

And sometimes I even forget I have them on cuz they're so lightweight and squishy so my ears are like 'thank yoooou!'

Plus you can get them on Amazon. And prime. With free returns juuuust in case. 

But lemme tell you, once you try them, all of your other ones will just not compare.

You can check them out by clicking on the images above!



(I'm an Amazon affiliate so if you order headphones via my links, you'll make it rain just a wee bit over here. So thanks! lol)


"I Know My Value"

March 29, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

Peggy Carter is such an ICON.

When everyone underestimated her, she never believed it.

Not one of them.

For a moment.

She stood strong in what she believed and stayed strong. 241355932_4339062809472862_7879876551830169478_n241355932_4339062809472862_7879876551830169478_n

If you haven't watched Agent Carter yet, here's a slight spoiler alert...

This is her full quote from the Season 1 finale:

"I don't need a congressional honor. I don't need Agent Thompson's approval or the President's. I know my value. Anyone else's opinion doesn't really matter."

Can we just give her a round of applause please??

I wanna be like Peggy. Knowing my value and not listening to anyone who doesn't see it too.

We should all see the value in one another.

We should be cheering each other on.

We should be excited for someone's breakthrough, for their emotional healing, for their success.

And if you don't see your own value?

Spend time with those who do.

It'll make the biggest difference in your life.

And help you see it for yourself.



(I'm an Amazon affiliate so if ya pick up Agent Carter for yourself from my link, it's like you're giving me a tip - so thanks!!)

Are You Missing It Too?

March 28, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

I miss Disney.

There isn't one thing I miss most.

It's just all of it. Photo May 13 12 46 50 PMPhoto May 13 12 46 50 PM

Hearing the music, walking along Main Street, running to get in line at a ride... it's the place I've always been happiest.

And this morning all I want to do is be there.

I want to leave my life behind and for a few days, escape into the magic.

Just envisioning myself hopping inside the Big Thunder train car and screaming my head off, queueing up for Star Tours and hearing about a fabulous trip I could take to Endor, cooling off with a Dole Whip and waking up José, freaking out and waving to Ariel as if I didn't just become her last weekend - it all sounds like something I kinda need right now.

So that's where I'll be mentally today.

If you need me, you'll have to come find me in Critter Country.

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